The Iso Sistemi Training Division is a permanent and dedicated structure that supports companies in the important function of identifying and designing the training routes of the personnel; it deals with consulting and development of innovative training technologies.
Our teachers are sector specialists with a long and certified teaching experience.
Certification of skills
Evaluation and certification of pre- and post-course skills through online testing and calculation of the educational gain.
Active and participatory classroom teaching methodology through practical workshops and group activities.
Educational monitoring
Report on trends of activities and Popularity Questionnaires on the course.
Educational documentation
Official Product Manuals (Oracle Press, SAP Press, etc.).
Our offer
Courses addressed to IT professionals and end users
Project-based training
- customized design
- careful management of the delivery process
- continuous coordination with the responsible people
- monitoring through varied supporting means
Training Catalog
Our catalog offers a wide range of infracompany courses that provide access to the know-how, methodologies and tools in use.
We create online courses on company-specific contents with the use of sharing technologies and platforms
Discover the training courses catalog
In the headquarters of Genoa Piazza della Vittoria, right in the City center next to the Brignole RR Station, we have a beautifully structured classroom equipped with 12 workstations, projector and blackboard. The Training Division is also active in the offices of Rome, Milan, Turin, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza, Bari, Naples, Palermo at certified partners’ classrooms.
The classroom is also available for renting, along with its own tutoring service.

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Some past training projects
Computer training of 300 store employees for a total of 27 editions.
Specialized training on Oracle, Oracle Forms
Training on SAP Business Objects and VMware Systems
Computer training of back office staff personale di back office
100 days of computer training of a total of 200 users trained on the Italian territory
300 days of technical computer training (Java, UML, SOA) of 400 users in 19 editions in the Italian territory
Cisco Networking training
Training on roles and practices in the Project Management area
ITIL training and certification
Training on VMware Systems
Training on SAP Business Objects
Training on SAP Business Objects
Technical training on Microsoft SQL database, Oracle DBA
Training on SAP
Training Microsoft Office
Training on Office package of over 300 people of Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna (Italy).
Training on roles and practices in the Project Management area
Training on SAP
Basic computer training
Training on SAP Business Objects
Seminars on Business Intelligence in the healthcare environment
Training on Vmware Systems