Management Consulting
Iso Sistemi accrued skills and experience allow the Company to be a valid and reliable partner to support customers in their choices.
Iso Sistemi activity in the field of Management Consulting is focused on innovation, with particular regard to the organization and to the use of advanced information and automation technologies.
The use of Information Technology is aimed at identifying the results in terms of the competitive advantages, effectiveness and efficiency that the Company could obtain.
Iso Sistemi has the ability to quickly build ad-hoc advisory teams, by gathering the internal expertise and by associating external skills (including those resulting from its collaboration with Universities and Research Centers) to focus on specific objectives and interventions.

Main Activities
To correctly evaluate a Company position with reference to competitors
Project management
To support the effective use of all required resources in a project
Process Innovation
To help the customer to achieve competitive advantages
Project Planning
To define realistic, controllable and cost-effective plans
Check Up
To analyze the current situation for identifying the customer’s strengths and weaknesses
Project Follow up
To verify the results and take appropriate measures for continuous improvement
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.
George Bernard Shaw
Information Systems
• Focusing of the functionalities needed for the core business
• Analysis of the application portfolio and of the related criticalities
• Integration level of the applications
• Control of the levels of service and degree of utilization by users
• Definition of the intervention lines for the applications and for the technological infrastructure
• Planning and Budgeting, Project Management of complex projects
• Opportunity assessment of the use of external services (outsourcing)
• Organization for the development and management of Information Systems
• Definition of integrated automation architectures, through the integration of Levels 0, 1 and 2
• Identification of the best choices in terms of design solutions, products, suppliers
• Preparation of functional and technical specifications
• “Check and comment” of design specifications
• Analysis and selection of offers
• Project management of complex international projects
• Support to the verification and performance testingt
Logistic & Public Transport
Success stories
Mobarakeh Steel Company
Management consulting to the implementation according to international best practices
City of Milan
Technical consultancy for the construction (electrical distribution and automation)