Business Intelligence
A set of tools, technologies, knowledge with one goal: to save your time and money.
Business Intelligence aims to enable Companies to get the most – in terms of decision support – from the wealth of data at their disposal: a real asset mostly underutilized that can become an important competitive tool.
Iso Sistemi has cumulated a significant experience in Business Intelligence projects for various sectors, in both the industrial and the service areas.
Such experience is not limited to the methodological and technological aspects: the projects are characterized by a strong focus on the needs of the specific business, substantiated by the knowledge of issues related to the market, the organization and the production system.

Better decisions for a better business
All the information needed to make decisions, at all levels.
Get the most from your enterprise data, a too often overlooked asset that can become a key competitive tool.
Choice of technology, methodological approach, focusing on specific business, implementation.
A single Company, all the support you need.
Stop confusion! Select, normalize and clean your Data.
All the information you need: immediately, anywhere.
The data of all your systems in a single container.
Localize customers, partners, competitors: the map of your business.
Report & Dashboard
You ask the questions, we provide the answers.
Your data know what will happen: what about you?
Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.
Charles Babbage
Mobile Business Intelligence
The Mobile side is increasingly becoming the reference trend within a Business Intelligence project. The sector leading platforms provide many tools to view dashboards and reports on devices such as iPhone, iPad and Blackberry. Within the optics of making the data available 24 hours a day 7 days a week 7, Iso Sistemi operates by helping the customers in identifying their own KPI’s and by creating user-friendly applications that provide optimal viewing of the data, allowing the users to make decisions at the right time, at any place.
Banking & Insurance
Public Transport
Commercial companies
Success stories
Duferco La Louvière en
Supervisory system, integrated with a Business Intelligence system
Grandi Navi Veloci en
Data Analytics system applied to the Ro/Ro transportation service, built using SAP Infinite Insight