SteelQ - Quality module

What is it
SteelQ is the module of Iso Sistemi for quality management and product certification.
It aims to historicize and make available in real-time all the qualitative tests both chemical and physical carried out by plant technicians throughout the whole processing cycle of the order.
The centralized quality management also allows to generate early-warning in case of “out of analysis” or “out of tolerance” in order to allow a timely correction of any problem.
All collected qualitative and process data contribute to the generation, at the request of the Quality Manager, of a product quality certificate.
The SteelQ module also allows you to apply a cryptographic certification based on Blockchain technology to ensure the integrity of qualitative data.

SteelQ is structured in 3 phases:
- Phase of definition and management of the tests to be carried out on each order/product. Foresees the insertion in the system by the Quality Manager of all the types of tests (chemical, mechanical and/or non-destructive analysis) and the relative parameters of tolerance besides the definition of the frequency with which to make the samples (ex: every piece, one every x products, etc…) and the relative phase of the productive cycle.
- Phase of acquisition of the results and comparison with the limits imposed during the phase of definition of the test (phase 1) Any out of analysis and/or deviation from the standard range of acceptability will be promptly reported to the operator who will take the necessary precautions. The system allows the search by product or by order of the produced pieces and also the historical consultation of all the carried out qualitative tests and the relative comparison with the tolerance limits.
- Certification and printing of the order/product certification report. All the quality tests carried out during the machining cycle can be rechecked and the system allows you to notice any problems by highlighting the values in “out of analysis” or “out of tolerance” according to the parameters set in phase 1 of test definition.
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